The Winter School on Mathematical Modeling and Dynamical Systems at Dalat University

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From December 5 to December 11, 2022, Dalat University cooperated with the Institute of Mathematics to organize a Winter School on mathematical modeling and dynamical systems, with the participation of many scientists, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. The program is sponsored by VinGroup Innovation Fund (VinIF).

The program was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang The Tuan – Head of Department of Differential Equations, Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vo Hoang Hung – Head of Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Saigon University. On the side of Dalat University, there were the attendance of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tat Thang – Vice President; Dr. Trinh Duc Tai – Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; Prof. Dr. Pham Tien Son – Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, and scientists, PhD students, graduate and undergraduate students of the University.

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In 5 days, the Winter School on Mathematical Modeling and Dynamical Systems introduced and had discussions around the following topics: global kinematics of infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, stability, control problems, and spectrum theory.

This is an activity to promote mathematical exchanges and teach undergraduate and graduate students some basic models of dynamical systems in nature described by differential equations. Through this, the winter school will provide some basic knowledge to help students have the opportunity to apply for scholarships and pursue a long-term academic path, as well as opportunities to exchange research ideas with other scientists and students.

The Organizing Committee sincerely thanks the sponsor – VinGroup Innovation Fund (VinIF) for creating very favorable conditions for the success of the winter school, and hopes that the sponsors will continue to accompanying and supporting the organization of the school in the next times.

Department of Journalism and Communication
Translator: Nguyen Hoang Nam Phuong