Dalat University contributes to the Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control fund

General Activities - Union & Association Uncategorized University's News

Responding to the call of President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Lam Dong province, and the Vietnam National Education Union, the Trade Union of Dalat University have asked staff of the University to make donations to support the Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control fund.

The Covid-19 epidemic in Vietnam is still complicated and unpredictable, requiring solidarity and joint efforts of the whole society to prevent the disease, especially in the period when it is necessary to accelerate the speed of vaccination and stabilise people’s lives. From the early days of June 2021, the Party Committee, Executive Board and Trade Union of Dalat University have asked all staff of the University to donate to support the Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control fund.

The total amount of money donated was 69.5 million VND. With the agreement of the Party Committee, this amount was divided into two parts: 34.5 million VND sent to the Vietnam National Education Union Fund to support the purchase of vaccines and support the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic, and 35 million VND sent to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Lam Dong province to contribute to the Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control fund. On the morning of June 23, 2021, the Executive Committee of the Trade Union of Dalat University directly presented the above 35 million VND to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Lam Dong province.

tỷ lẹ cá cược
Ms. Le Thi Quynh Hao – Executive Board of Trade Union of Dalat University gave the donations to the Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control fund in Lam Dong province

Previously, in the first 6 months of 2021, the Trade Union of Dalat University also organised many activities to support the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic such as giving 5000 masks to the University’s staff; Participating in the fight against the epidemic, the Union of the Faculty of Law Studies organised donations and donated food to the people of Ho Chi Minh City. In the past time, staffs and students of the University have been implementing the regulations on preventing the Covid-19 epidemic and continuing to produce hand sanitiser for internal use and to support a number of units in the City; encouraging staff and learners to install Bluezone application and make medical declarations under the guidance of the Ministry of Health; arranging a team of volunteers and nurses on duty at the university gate to measure body temperature, disinfect hands and give medical masks to people entering and leaving the University; Offices and lecture halls are cleaned and disinfected, etc.

Dalat University has been proactive in the prevention and control of Covid-19 since the first days when the epidemic appeared in Vietnam. The university has implemented many measures to prevent and control the epidemic such as: Mastering the content of the central and local instructions on epidemic prevention and control; Establishing a Rapid Response Team; Issuing notices and instructions on epidemic prevention and control to all staff and learners; Arranging personnel on duty all days of the week to promptly handle arising situations; Spraying disinfectant and cleaning the campus. The Party Committee and Executive Board of the University encourage the sense of responsibility, activeness and initiative of the units in the University to effectively implement disease prevention and control, contributing to protecting the people’s health.

Department of Journalism and Communication
Translator: Nguyen Hoang Nam Phuong